1-2-3: Wisdom vs. Knowledge

1 idea, 2 resources, and 3 tools for this week.

Happy Sunday!✌️

Welcome to Ponderer's 22nd edition.

Yes, we’re back.

A bit wiser. Same sexy blue. Now, beyond AI.

Don’t ask. Just roll with it 😉 

What’s new at Ponderer:

[1] Launched Pixels—our world-class newsletter design service.

[2] Introduced new pricing for the Beehiiv Design Course.

[3] We do the work and our founder, Ricky, gets all the credit.

Yea, yea, yea… he is alright.

That being said…

Here are 1 idea to ponder, 2 resources to skill up, and 3 tools to try out.

Let’s do it.


The Big Idea

Wisdom is individual, knowledge is social. — Naval  

There is power in both.

Know when, why, and how to leverage them.

That’s the key.

“The key to what?”

To wherever you want to go.

That’s a question only you have the answer to.


“Learn via iteration. Do not wait for clarity to take action. Take action to engineer clarity. Learn, iterate, put skin in the game.” —@rickyshq

2 Resources

Skill up and expand your mind with our top picks of the week:

I. Video

[Watch it] A fascinating interview by host Greg Isenberg and guest, Nick Huber on personal holding companies—build vs. buy?

II. Community

[Join us] The invite-only network where multipreneurs (like ourselves) come together to build empires.


“Input, output. We leverage AI and AI leverages us.” —@rickyshq

3 Tools

Leverage our top picks of the week:

I. Skool

Skool is the community platform for creators. FYI: It is also the platform we are using to host our communities. [Try it]

II. Divi

Divi is the most powerful visual builder for WordPress websites. We built and designed Pixels and our course website with it. [Try it]

III. Zapier AI

AI Chatbot by Zapier helps you create custom AI chatbots and take action with built-in automation—no coding required. [Try it]


🤔 SaaS: So many good SaaS startups but we rarely see one building a community for their product. [Why?]

🎯 Pivot: We had a vision. The market had other plans but we resisted the temptation for a little while, and then... [This happened]

🧐 Solo-ish: Would you rather be a solopreneur or a multipreneur? We promise to keep it between you and everyone who… [Tell us here]


Pondering mode on.

Do you agree or disagree with Codie?


Here’s how we can help:

Beehiiv Design Course — tactical video lessons on building and designing beautiful, powerful, and effective newsletters with Beehiiv. [50% Off]

MeetPixels — world-class newsletter design, built to help you stand out, get results, and never be boring again. [View plans]

Today’s edition was sent with Beehiiv 🐝 the #1 newsletter platform.

Edited and designed by Pixels 🍉 

Thanks for reading! Reply whenever you need to.

Let us hear it! 😍 Love it, 🫤 Mehhh.

Until next time 🫡 

p.s. Nobody.