1-2-3: Transitioning Meaning

1 idea, 2 resources, and 3 tools for this week.

Happy Sunday!

Welcome to Ponderer's 10th edition.

🔵 Follow: We are now on Instagram to keep our eye-candy animated AI signals and other ponderings (with a twist) organized in one place.

We’ve received a tornado watch alert…

So before one of those suckers decides to touch the ground and snatch a couple of alligators and ducks hanging out in our backyard…

Here are 1 idea to ponder, 2 resources to skill up, and 3 tools to try out.

Let’s do it.


The Big Idea

What’s more serious than the loss of jobs due to AI and automation is the loss of meaning. — Kai-Fu Lee

By labeling AI as serendipity, the speaker emphasizes that AI can bring about unforeseen benefits for humans.

AI can relieve people of mundane and repetitive tasks, create new opportunities for growth, and inspire innovations that could transform numerous aspects of our lives.

This notion highlights that AI is not an adversary but rather an unexpected, positive force that can enhance human existence.

By AI taking over routine jobs, humans can focus on areas that AI cannot reach, such as expressing love, empathy, and creativity.

This serendipitous aspect of AI can help humans rediscover their unique qualities, driving them to pursue more fulfilling and meaningful life experiences.

(Source: TEDx talk on How AI can save humanity)


Learn Section: Skill up through Experience

Iterate: We do not wait for clarity to take action. We take action to engineer clarity.

2 Resources

Skill up and expand your mind with our top picks of the week:

I. Thread:

[Read it] Joshua Browder outsourced his entire financial life to GPT-4 and shares how AutoGPT is saving and making money on his behalf.

II. Video:

[Watch it] Kriti Sharma on how to keep human bias out of AI.


Infinite Leverage - Human input, AI output until AI provides input + output.

Human input, AI output. We leverage AI, and AI leverages us.

3 Tools

Leverage our top picks of the week:

I. QuickVid

QuickVid helps you create Youtube shorts 10x faster with AI. [Try it]

II. DoNotPay

DoNotPay is a cool app with a robot lawyer that helps you tackle big companies, fix messy paperwork, and sue easily with a click. [Try it]

III. Taskade

Taskade is an all-in-one collaboration tool for remote teams. A genuinely well-done AI tool that replaces at least 15 tools. [Try it]


💌 Self Reminder: An email that Steve Jobs sent to himself 13 months before he passed away:

Steve Jobs' email he sent to himself before he passed away.


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As always, stay ponderous until next Sunday.

Your wise, witty, and eye-candy friend,


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